Comprehensive Energy and Sustainability Plan

Comprehensive Energy and Sustainability Plan

At this stage, we identify and analyze potential actions your company could take to achieve the objectives and targets defined in the Energy and Sustainability Portrait. We’ll also prioritize solutions for implementation.

Identify and analyze potential actions

For each energy, financial and sustainability action being considered, we’ll assess the costs, human and financial benefits, impact on carbon emissions, energy consumption and environmental footprint. Here are some of the areas where our expertise comes into play:

Energy and Sustainability Solutions Plan
Solutions-related investment costs
Achievable financial gains

Prioritize actions

Once we’ve assessed each energy and sustainability opportunity, we’ll prioritize them according to your organization’s ambitions and capabilities. To do this, we’ll consider your established objectives, your specific needs in terms of creating impact, your budgets, the potential investments required and the time it’ll take to implement the initiatives.

Energy and sustainability solutions for the short, medium and long term

Get started on your ecological transition

A transition consists of a series of small steps. TST is there to guide you in creating your comprehensive plan and to answer your questions all throughout the process. Take the first step, and speak with us to see how we can put your transition into motion.